Ray Skill Developement in Oman

Ray Skill Development training centre for oil and gas

Ray Skill Development training centre for oil and gas

Ray Skill Development training centre for oil and gas

Delagasaun Timor Leste hasai foto hamutuk ho Treinador iha Ray Skill Development

Ray Skill Development training centre for oil and gas

Ray Skill Development training centre for oil and gas

Ray Skill Development training centre for oil and gas

Delegasaun husi Timor Leste hetan esplikasaun husi Ray Skill kona ba atividade iha Centru Formasaun

Location in Ray Skill Training Centre

Delegasaun husi SEPFOPE hetan esplikasaun husi Ray Skill Development kona ba atividade ba formasaun

Iha loron 20-10-2014 Sekretaria Estadu Ba Politika Formasaun Professional no Emprego nebé  chefia husi Chefe Gabinete SEPFOPE Benigno da Cruz nebe kompostu husi Diresaun Nasional Formasaun Professional(DNAFOP), Diresaun Nasional Mao de Obra (INDMO), Autoridade Nasional do Petroleu no Timor Gap visita Instituto RAY (Rukun AL Yaqeen) International atu explora possibilidade kolaborasaun institutional iha area treinamentu vokasional ba industria Mina no Gas.

Antes neé  iha loron Tersa, 16 Setembru 2014 delegasaun husi RAY (Rukun Al Yaqeen) Internasional nebe kompostu husi instituisaun refere nia kompanhia assosiadu sira husi Indonesia PT. Sistemindo Teknotama Mandiri, husi Brunei Bella Aziz Holdings mai vizita SEPFOPE hodi fahe informasaun kona ba instituisaun ne’e nia lala’ok serbisu iha Oman hodi kontribui ba produtividade serbisu Omanian oan sira iha area industria Mina no Gas nian liu husi treinamentu vokasional.

Treinamentu vokasional hodi ha’metin Timor oan sira nia konesimentu abilidade no disiplina serbisu mak sai nudar assunto importante iha duranti diskusaun sorumuto ida ne’e tamba tuir experiensia Oman nian, liu husi vokasional training sira konsege foti Omanian oan sira nia espiritu no koragem hodi partisipa iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu sosio ekonomia nasional Oman ninian no maioria iha oras ne’e dadaun Omanian oan sira mak partisipa direta ba iha atividade serbisu kna’ar area industria mina no gas ninian.

Iha loron primerio visita iha Oman Delegasaun husi SEPFOPE,  ANP no Timor Gap visita Centru Formasaun ba mina no gas Ray Skill Development iha centru formasaun neé hamutuk 200 pessoal mak tuir formasaun iha Ray Skill Development. Programa no formasaun nebe mak Ray Skill Developement iha mak hanesan programa foun  ho naran  New Hire Programs nebe kompostu husi  Job Seekeres nebe halai liu ba (English treining, Industry overview to bridge the gap into the technical workforce),  Self employment seekeres halai liu ba (business planining, operational incubators and strategic implementation), Sponsored New Hires (engelis training, industry overview, equipment and process and Job related ).

Iha Ray Skill Development mos iha programa mak hanesan Safety programas :
1.      Health, safety and enviroment inductions
2.      Personal Protective equipement
3.      Intial fire response
4.      Basic life support
5.      H2S awareness
6.      Emergency  response
7.      Hazard and risk awareness
8.      Defensive driving and journey management
9.      Basic industry safety

Iha parte Industria kona ba Ray Skill Development iha mos programa kona ba :

1.      Vocational Candidates (Process production operators, mechanical, electrical, instrument technicians)
2.      Drillinh, Well servicing Rig Crew, Wireline Operators (Roustabouts, Roughnecks, Derrickmen, rig supervisors, utilizing Ray Skill purpose built taining rig and equipment)
3.      High Voltage Electrical (linesmen, Fitters, jointeres and Subsstation Operators)
4.      Graduate Engineers ( Subsurface and Surface facilities, Driling, Mechanical, electrical, instrument, civil, and chemist)
5.      Social Responsibility and kids camps (fun laboratories workshop anf job discussions)

Programa profssional seluk tam mak Ray Skill Developmen iha Mak hanesan : management and lidership, soft skill and comunication, information technology courses and programs and basic finance. Fasilidade iha Ray Skill Development iha mak hanesan Ray Skill Ghala training facility, ray skill purpose-built training rig, Tay Skill grand facility, classroom facility training halls, observation galleries, E learning laboratory, auditorium, gethering area and information area.
Iha visita neé delagasaun husi Timor Leste nebe kompostu husi SEPFOPE, ANP no Timor Gap visita mos centru pratika ba explorasaun mina no gas no observa diretia ba makina bor mina no gas.
Delegasaun husi SEPFOPE mak hanesan Benigno Humberto Gregorio da Cruz hanesan Chefi Gabinete, Isabel Fernandes de Lima hanesan Diretora INDMO, Igino Ferreira hanesan Diretor DNFOP, Sonio Anuno Sarmento da Silva hanesan Assesor Nasional ba Mina no Gas SEPFOPE, Julio de Jesus Gonçalves hanesan Media officer, no Ekipa husi ANP no Timor Gap. 

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